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Gainesville Auto Insurance

 Do you need Gainesville auto insurance? If you have ever made the drive from Gainesville down to Miami, or up to Atlanta, you’ve likely run into at least one car accident on Interstate 75 and instantly realized the value of having adequate Gainesville auto insurance coverage. Here in the sunshine state, we don't have to worry about snowstorms. And we are far enough inland that the hurricanes aren't as much of a risk as to those living in Ponte Vedra or Pensacola. Never the less, we've got plenty of older drivers, younger drivers, hurried drivers and tourists to mean that being insured is a necessity. So, knowing that you need auto insurance coverage is one thing. Deciding on the best coverage for your needs and how to go about getting it is something else.

How Much Gainesville Auto Insurance Coverage Is Enough?

The State of Florida requires all drivers to maintain financial responsibility for their vehicles. That means if you want to drive in Gainesville, you have to have a minimum amount of required Florida auto insurance coverage. Meeting these state minimums means maintaining auto insurance coverage of 10/20/10 in liability and $30,000 in combined single limits of auto insurance coverage. As a no-fault state, Florida insurance benefits are paid no matter who is at fault in the accident. So, if you are in an accident, you need your own insurance if you don’t want to pay all of your own expenses.

So, are these minimum coverage amounts the most you’ll need? Well, to answer that question you’ll need to look at how you drive around Gainesville. Are you just a commuter, or are you an out of state student at the University of Florida who drives home regularly? Do you park in areas that are safe, or close to the site of one of the over 450 auto thefts that took place last year? Are you a little impatient on the road, or are you a cruiser that likes to drive the limits? Do you drive a Honda Accord, or a Porsche 911? Answers to all of these questions will give you an idea of how likely it is that you’ll need additional coverage and in what amounts.

Finding a Gainesville Auto Insurance Agent

So, now that you have an idea of what type and amount of coverage you need, it’s time to select an auto insurance agent that can address those needs. If you use one of the many user-friendly comparison tools that are online these days, you will have a number of qualified agencies who can take care of your insurance needs at your disposal. These free devices are the quickest ways to access this data. Take your time and compare their services to find which one offers the right policy for you.

It’s likely that you’ll find a few that you like. Before you make your decision of which one you’ll do business with, do a little research on each one. Find out who has the best service record in Gainesville; who has the least complaints, what they were, and how they were handled. Which of them have local offices and are the agents from Gainesville? This could be important if you value consideration and understanding as a component of your customer service experience. It’s generally acceptes that local agents tend to offer better service to local clientele. Once you’ve gone through this process you may not have more than one or two options left on your short list. This is when you’ll need to focus on pricing your policy.

How Can You Get Affordable Gainesville Auto Insurance?

Even if you have eliminated all but one option, don’t think that you have to pay the price they quote you. All too often customers pay way too much for auto insurance because they don’t know one simple secret: ask for discounts. There isn’t an incentive for agents to offer these discounts, so once you’ve gotten quotes from all the agencies on your short list, go back and ask for any available discounts or promotional rates. You’ll be shocked at how many discounts are available, and how much they can save you on your policy.

There are discounts for students, seniors, AARP members, members of certain clubs and organizations (i.e. Rotary Club, Lions Club, Kiwanis Club, Chambers of Commerce, Alpha Phi Omega, and many more!). There are discounts for good driving records, taking driver safety classes (in person or online), and even discounts for driving below the state annual average mileage. What is so incredible is how often people don’t take advantage of these discounts because they don’t ask for them. You will see how this simple tactic can bring a high priced policy well within your budget range.

Only after taking advantage of every possible discount should you adjust your deductible or down payment in order to adjust your monthly premium costs. However, with these strategies you can definitely find the right coverage, with the right Gainesville Auto Insurance agency, and at the right price.

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